3A team received appreciation letters after share in “Promoting Worker Rights and Competitiveness in Egyptian Exports Industries project”. (1 June 2013 – 31 March 2018)
The first level “Basic” extends to cover the national and international legislation in addition to the principal work knowledge.
• The second level “Advanced” extends to cover different details from international codes and standards in the OH&S field and OH&S team in the corporate and the field audit.
• Third level “Specialized” and this deals with all important knowledge for the inspector and workplace hazards (different categories, measurement methods, ways of controls in addition to occupational diseases and work accidents and different techniques of risk analysis & assessment and some other knowledge.
• Fourth level “Specific” and this deals in details with occupational diseases and risk analysis & assessment in the industrial sectors aiming to the export project which includes texture & waiving sector, ready-made clothes, and food industries.
• Participation in the sessions and workshops as experts to exchange visions and experience to implement the manual contents.
• Prepare an integrated training package to train Occupational Saftey and Health inspectors on the manuals.
• Qualify and train two groups on the four manuals and build their technical capacity in OH&S to guarantee the level of presenting the manuals after the end of the project.
3A consultants develop a OH&S Manual, it is a guideline booklet prepared for the labours in very simple language to cover all educational level.
Repeated documented legal violation and high potential injuries among labours are taken as base for booklet content and focusing on information help in stop repeated accidents.
• The booklet based on the laws and legalisation and consider the terms and definition used in these law and legalisation to reduce gap between inspector and market.
• You can read and download the manual from the following link https://t2m.io/8rdBV8NQ
• Many training sessions for labours with based on this manual was held by 3A team.
• Training of trainers to be qualified to train on manual by 3A team.
• Qualifying and training the trainers of Aspire Training Solutions to convert the manual into an interacting program depending on games and reviewing of the scientific content of these games and verify of the wellness and efficiency of these games.
• Share by the ideas to present a simple video to illustrate the principles of OH&S and review for the video scientific content before issuing.
• Verify a correct Info graph to explain the manual.
• Participating in awareness campaigns to present the appropriate scientific content for each campaign.
• KHATWA Jury Competition, join the judging panel of the competition “A step to improve work quality” which is a competition between the small and moderate companies in the Suez Canal Zone to give suggestions to develop the projects aiming to improve work quality and enhance the quality of the job and providing appropriate work conditions for labours.
• Train persons from the texture & waiving, ready-made clothes, and chemical industries to be trainers for OSH inspectors in their workplaces to spread the culture of Safety among labours.
• Join the judging panel for a pitch competition for the Dust Hazard Prevention Challenge, Yomken.com and the GIZ IPSP project.
• “Training for Better Employment in the Textile and Chemical Industries in Sixth of October City” Enhancing Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Selected Textile and Chemical Companies.
• Deliver eight one-day workshops to educate jobseekers to be placed within the framework of this ALMP on the Basic OSH training material.
• Tailor the ToT OSH material to the chemical and textile industries.
• “Training for Better Employment in the Ready-Made Garments Sector in Port Said” with regard to providing Occupational Safety and Health Training (OSH) to Job Seekers in the RMG sector ILO-GIZ.
• Delivery of 12 one-day workshops to educate job seekers on Occupational Safety and Health Training (OSH).
• Development of RMG specific OSH ToT syllabus and material.
• Delivery of OSH ToT to selected staff (supervisors and above) from participating RMG companies and staff from the Technological College.
Workforce Improvement and Skills Enhancement (WISE)
The project of manpower development and reinforcement of the skills from the American Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Education & Technical Education (MOETE).
School’s follow-up:
• Conduct field visits to WISE phase I schools (Alexandria, Ismailia, Port Said, Red Sea, Aswan) to follow-up on the implementation of OSH activities.
OSH handbook
• Deliver a complete OSH checklist for schools‘ safety to be included in the handbook.
• Deliver a final version of the OSH handbook after incorporating all changes as per the WISE project request.
Summer training (phase II schools)
• Develop a training program for WISE phase II schools’ OSH supervisors in coherence with the previously developed handbook and check lists.
• Deliver three training workshops, 4 days each, during July – September 2017.
OSH units
• Support and develop the OSH Department, under CUTE, organizational framework, OSH full inspection and reporting cycles.
• A complete checklist with report skeleton and suggestions for corrective actions and follow up mechanism.t